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- Hilulot Tzadikim | Mysite
Hilulot Tzadikim Hilula is a traditional mystic ritual for a righteous person for his death anniversary. Anchor 1 Return to top Return
- Singles | Mysite
Singles Return to top Return
- Starling birds | Mysite
Starling Birds Thousands of starling flocks arrive in Israel during autumn season from northern Europe and spend the winter mainly in the southern region of country. During the day, the huge flock disperses into secondary flocks of hundreds of birds that fly to the fields for seeking seeds. Toward the evening, the secondary flocks gather at a conspicuous place, and after a short stop they continue to their sleeping areas. On the way, they make a series of sky acrobatics for in amazing shapes for about 15 minutes Return Return to top Return
- Common Cranes | Mysite
Common Cranes Thousands of common cranes folks stayed in the Hula valley in northern Israel for the winter season In their way as part of the season migration. To avoid and decrease the damage by the cranes to the agricultural fields, the authorities initiated the "Crane Project", feeding them and provide corn in some specific area called the Agamon . Return to top
- Publications | Eli Basri Photography | Israel
Publications National Geographic - Photo of the day National Geographic - Photo of the day National Geographic - Photo of the day National Geographic - Photo of the day Dead Sea Dead Sea Edge of Humanity magazine Publications eli basri, publications Publications , publications
- White foam | Mysite
White foam February 7th. 2023's Winter storm, Tel Aviv port For almost three hours Tel Aviv's port lying on the Mediterranean Sea was covered and flooded by white foam that is created when high winds and huge wa ves churn up chemical and organic materials that swept from nearby Yarkon river into the Mediterranean Sea. For a few hours, Tel Aviv port looked like it covered with a snow (last time this happened 73 years ago...) Return to top Return
- Quirks | Mysite
Quirks Return to top Quirks Return
- Misty views | Mysite
Misty Views Return to top Return
- donkey redemption | Mysite
Donkey redemption Mitzvah of peter chamor, “redeeming the firstborn donkey” Return Return to top
- Northern Israel | Mysite
Northern Israel Return to top
- Galleries | Eli Basri Photography | Israel
Pumpkin mens Assumption of Mary Wheat Harvest Samaritans Hilulat Tzadikim Sukot faces of Jerusalem Ipmression Spiders Desert Floods Urban faces Conservation Grazing UltraOrthodox demonstration Lost in space Citrus city Abandoned Agriculture Starling Birds Clouds Misty views Autumn in Paris Common Cranes Flora Olive Trees Urbanic moments